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A Guide to Iontophoresis Machines


Iontophoresis is a painless procedure which uses a weak electrical current to stimulate ions carrying minerals to pass via the palms and the feet. This is used to treat sweaty palms. It keeps your hands and feet very dry. The iontophoresis machine sends small electrical current via water in which one can put their hands for around fifteen minutes and have the sweaty hands dried. This is the best treatment for the sweaty hands. You can stop sweaty palms by the use of iontophoresis within a week. Sweaty hands can subject an individual to unforetold embarrassment and frustrations. Palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis is a condition which is caused by an imbalance in the somatic nervous system of the body making the palms and the feet excessively sweaty. This sweating is not dependent on the surrounding temperature. The hyperhidrosis is primarily treated by several therapies, but the best one is the iontophoresis. It offers the best solution for the sweating menace. Iontophoresis came as an alternative therapy for the Botox injection which was also used in the treatment of the palmar and plantar sweating.


You usually put your hands or the feet into metal trays which are filled with water. The machine is operated by sweaty hands and feet technician who assists the patient in getting the required treatment. The device is turned on, and the voltage is slowly increased to boost the output through the water. This procedure is not painful, and the patients do not even feel the effect of the current passing the water.


The sweat pores are thickened by the minerals which temporarily ends the profuse sweating of the arms as well as the feet. This sweating can be stopped for several weeks. If the procedure is not continued, the perspiration comes back. This kind of profuse sweating therapy is very predictive, and the most consistent as is gives accurate results within a short period. This treatment needs to be continued for several weeks to ensure the integrity of the treatment to the patient. The irritation felt at the point of contact with water can be evaded by applying some Vaseline before the start of the procedure. You should visit the nearest iontophoresis facility if you suffer from hyperhidrosis.


The iontophoresis machine does not pose severe side effects to the health of an individual as compared to the ETS, pills, Botox and other chemicals used in the treatment of the hyperhidrosis. It is completely safe. It does not lose its effectiveness as the hands remain completely dry as long the treatment is maintained at regular intervals. For more facts and info about Iontophoresis, Visit

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